Pro Member Discount

Pro Members get to enjoy 30% savings on all products, first pick of any and all Kit Split items, and automatic participation in exclusive giveaways.

What’s Included

30% OFF

30% Off all TinyProKit products for as long as we’re in business.

Kit Split

Every time we do a Kit Split, makeup items will be posted for sale exclusively to our Pro Members on our Facebook page.


We randomly do giveaways on social media. Your membership serves as your “Entry to Win” without you having to do anything.

What to do to qualify?

  1. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You will be invited to join our Kit Split Facebook group. Your participation is necessary to maintain Pro status.

  2. Send us a DM on Instagram introducing yourself and inquiring about the Pro membership discount.

  3. Have a link to your Professional website or portfolio page handy when you reach out.

  4. You can email us a copy of your license but it isn’t necessary especially if you are a student.

  5. Share your hard work with us on Instagram so we can feature you and your experience with our depotting tools on our page.